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Quantum Project Manager
Version 23 Upgrade

Special Upgrade Offer for Customers 
Using Quantum Project Manager Version 20.

Upgrade your Current (One Module) Program to
for $219

Upgrade your Current (2 modules) Program to
VERSION 23 for

Upgrade your Current (3 modules) Program to
VERSION 23 for

Upgrade your Current (4 modules) Program to
VERSION 23 for

Upgrade your Current (5 modules) Program to
VERSION 23 for

Upgrade your Current (6 modules) Program to
VERSION 23 for

Tax tables change each year and will need to be updated!
Purchase now to get up to date and stay current for the next year!

All upgrades include 1-year free of technical support*

Click here to order Version 23 securely ONLINE NOW!

* Unless you are covered under a support plan, we charge for support calls at $160.00/hour billed in 15-minute increments with a minimum $40.00 charge billed to your credit card.

Here are the changes in version 23.0:

• New version of PDF converter to improve reliability and compatibility on Windows and Mac/Parallels.
• Changed customer and vendor imports from QuickBooks to allow selecting which companies to import.
• Added security option to not allow editing and/or adding projects if using userid/password security.
• Added a default email list for the project under key parties and ability to send an email to the list.
• Made external file the default type when adding attachments.
• Added email support for TLS connection type to enable emailing through Office 365 mail server or via Gmail SMTP server using an app password.
• Added ability to add multiple insurance policies to companies and to the company insurance report.
• Added ability to print a company insurance report for only the selected company.
• Added option to add notary information to contacts and to copy project notary info from contact info.
• Added document folder setting on project to use as default folder when creating PDF/RTF/Word docs and when selecting file attachments.
• Changed customer drop-down list on general info tab to put inactive companies at the bottom of the list.
• Added option to sworn statement to show columns for original contract and change order amount.
• Fixed issue with sworn statement including contracts & change orders that were after the period to date.

Contractor Billing
    (if you don't have this module, you can add it! (Click Here for more information)
• Improved QuickBooks integration performance and compatibility. Faster customer list refresh.
• Added manual resizing option to allow specifying font size for payment apps, schedule of values and billing change orders datasheets.
• Program can now save column widths and row height so you can resize columns to meet your needs.
• Show item code column on payment application screen if using item codes in the schedule of values.
• Added option to print engineer label and information on payment app instead of architect.
• Added option to carry over billing line item notes when creating a new payment application.
• Add new Project Billing Worksheet with just percent complete column and no dollar amounts.
• New option to set the default Gantt chart title and change the title for each project if desired.
• Now fills in a negative this period amount on payment app screen if percent complete is lowered.
• Now sets correct default payment application continuation page type if unit pricing is enabled.
• Added a warning when turning off or on auto-move stored materials if stored materials already entered.
• Added a warning when creating a new app if then amount credited does not equal the payment due.
• Added option to bill all items at once using an overall percent complete to apply to all items.
• Added option to bill items on payment app using latest daily report figures for percent complete.
• Changed billing change order summary report to add project manager column and filter by type option.
• Added notary info button to pay apps print screen to make it easier to change notary info while printing.
• Added option to print either the application date or the current date as the signatory date.
• Added change order reconciliation report to schedule of values reports to find discrepancies.
• Added the option to print a notary electronic signature on waivers and releases.
• Added option to copy notary information from project, preferences or contacts into waivers and releases.
• Added option to include notes and approved by signature box on billing change order work order report.
• Made retainage column wider on continuation page report to not show #### with larger amounts.
• Change company drop-down lists on project screen to put inactive companies at the bottom of the list.

Certified Payroll Tracking
    (if you don't have this module, you can add it! (Click Here for more information)
• Improved QuickBooks integration and compatibility. Faster time card import and customer list refresh.
• No need to remove old versions of QuickBooks when installing new versions of QuickBooks.
• Added manual resizing option to set font size and adjust column widths and row heights for datasheets.
• Added ability to add attachments to project wage rates screen to track documentation on wage rates.
• Added a message to the regular certified payroll checklist to give instructions on entering a new project.
• Added a button to add the selected work classification and rates to all open certified payroll projects.
• Added option to show fringe amounts as hourly rates instead of total dollar amounts on QSS-347 report.
• Added a button to copy CT insurance info in preferences to all open CT certified payroll projects.
• Added a warning message if an inactive employee is selected when adding a new time card.
• Added ability to create WA Department of Labor and Industries certified payroll XML upload file.
• Added feature to print multiple payroll report types for the same project at the same time.
• Added option to use MS Outlook when sending email from print all reports and reports for date range.
• Added first report number field to print reports for date range screen to add more flexibility.
• Added filter to certified payroll project listing to show projects overdue for the next weekly report.
• Added termination date and reason terminated to employee screen and employee detail report.
• Changed QuickBooks payroll items form to add sorting and filtering options to improve manageability.
• Changed company drop-down lists on project screen to put inactive companies at the bottom of the list.
• Added hide inactive option to project wages rates screen to not show rates for inactive work classes.
• Fixed issue with CT report showing ###### in week ending date.
• Made time card list form taller to fit more rows on the screen.
• Includes any updates for the next year to remain current on the report formats and tax table updates.

    (if you don't have this module, you can add it! (Click Here for more information)
• Added options in Scheduling to include a heading on Gantt chart reports and to change the chart title.
• Added option to hide the item unit price and amount columns on the proposals and just show total cost.
• Added new type “Cost Plus” to proposals.
• Added scheduling impact and monetary impact check boxes to proposals screen and report.
• Added new type “Status” and a follow-up check box to Notices.
• Added follow-up check box” to notices.
• Added item number field to drawings screen and report.
• Added new option to show the status field on transmittals.
• Now uses “Ref” field as the email subject when emailing a transmittal after creating a pdf file.
• Added a billable check box to Daily Report screen and report.
• Redesigned Waivers and Releases screen to use a tabbed interface so the auto-resize feature works.
• Added an option when editing the email/cc list to copy the default mailing list for the project.
• Made changes to ensure the document number suffix is included in the file name when printing to file.
• Added the email address to the mass mailing listing report and an option to print the phone instead of the email.
• Added SOV tab to Daily Reports form and added to report to indicate percent complete for billing items.
• Added transmittal number suffix field to Transmittal screen and reports.
• Added item number and prepared by fields to submittals forms and reports.
• Changed transmittal items so item number will fill in from submittal item number.
• Added option to set default description text for submittal other items check boxes.
• Fixed issue on mass mailing distribution list where company/contact phone was not getting filled in.
• Added an option to print the Request area on an RFI answer report.
• Changes to RFI reports to fix issues with CC list.
• Fixed problem with copying a daily report also copied print to file name.
• Added an option to make second signature line on proposals optional.
• Added a new proposal type of “Invoice” to print a simple invoice from the proposals screen.
• Added option to add a suffix to the telephone log number to indicate revisions.
• Added a conversation tab to telephone log to capture conversation notes in addition to internal notes.
• Added a continuous report type option to the telephone log to place the signature (if used) on last page.
• Added buttons to telephone log screen to add entries to correspondence sent and received logs.
• Fixed error message in Notices when using zoom form and spell checker.
• Added option in Notices to use MS Outlook when sending an email notice.

Contract Documents     (if you don't have this module, you can add it! (Click Here for more information)
• Added options in Scheduling to include a heading on Gantt chart reports and to change the chart title.
• Added date column to Contract/PO list screen.
• Fixed issue on Contract/PO list screen where the to company was blank if no company id was selected.
• Added buttons on Contract/PO Items tab if using sales tax to mark all items as taxable or non-taxable.
• Made changes to ensure the document number suffix is included in the file name when printing to file.
• Added scheduling impact and monetary impact check boxes to proposals screen and report.
• Redesigned Waivers and Releases screen to use a tabbed interface so the auto-resize feature works.
• Added print option on Contract/PO costs tab to print items without item costs, just total costs.
• Added print option on Change Order costs tab to print items without item costs, just total costs, on change order report and change order items and costs listing.
• Added the option to print a notary electronic signature on waivers and releases.
• Added option to copy notary information from project, preferences or contacts into waivers and releases.
• Added option to include notes and approved by signature box on contract change order work order.
• Added a new proposal type of “Invoice” to print a simple invoice from the proposals screen.
• Fixed problem with contact/pos file name not saved when printing to file.
• Reduced font size and made company name fields taller at bottom of contract change order.

Estimating      (if you don't have this module, you can add it! (Click Here for more information)
• Changed supplier and subcontractor fields on estimate to select from companies drop-down list.
• Added manufacturer column on estimate equipment item details form.
• Added new estimate item detail report Estimate Equipment Items w/ Manufacturer.
• Added new estimate report Estimate Equipment Listing.
• Added ability to set item defaults for materials supplier, equipment manufacturer and subcontractor.

• Added new manual resizing option to allow specifying font size of details datasheets.
• New manual resizing option saves column widths and row height so you can resize columns.
• Fixed problem with new line characters in estimating default settings for submitted to field.
• Made adjustments to reduce form distortion and improve readability when using auto-resize option.

Equipment Tracking      (if you don't have this module, you can add it! (Click Here for more information)
• Added more filters to Equipment Listing Reports screen to optionally filter by assignee and/or project.
• Added two additional reports Equipment Listing by Assignee and Equipment Listing by Project.
•  Added new report Equipment Currently Held by this Assignee.

• Added delete record button to equipment assignment tab on equipment form.

Note: The Quantum Project Manager Program prints information onto original AIA* Contract Documents, which users must purchase from AIA*. This program does not generate any original AIA* Contract Documents.

*AIA is a registered Trademark of the American Institute of Architects

  Quantum Project Manager Upgrade

To Order Call Toll Free 1-800-894-1278   OR

Click here to order Version 23 securely ONLINE NOW!

We accept MC/Visa/Amex

Or Send Check or Money Order to:

Quantum Software Solutions Inc.
PO Box 4008
Reading, PA 19606

Other Quantum Project Manager Modules Available
Special Discounted Prices when you order additional modules with your upgrade order!

Contractor Billing- Generate your payment application and continuation sheet. Add for $249! Now integrates with QuickBooksTM Desktop including 2024 or higher!

Certified Payroll Tracking-
Generate your federal and state prevailing wage reports.  Now integrates with QuickBooksTM Desktop including 2024 or higher! Add for $249!

Communications- RFIs, Notices, Transmittals, Letters, Submittals, Proposals, Waivers and Releases, Schedules, Daily Reports, Punch Lists, Insurance Log and Insurance Notices, Telephone Log, Correspondence Sent and Received. Add for $249!

Estimating- Enter items, costs, markups, print reports and proposals. Add for $249!

Contract Documents- Create and track Contracts, Purchase Orders, Proposals, Change Orders, Schedules, and Waivers and Releases. Print log and status reports. Also print onto many pre-printed contract documents. Add for $249!

Equipment Tracking- Record and schedule your equipment and vehicle information, making monitoring your equipment operations snap. There are many useful reports included. Track your vehicle mileage, fuel costs and gallons used as well as other expenses. Add for $249!

Other Software Available

VirtualBoss construction project scheduling for only $269! Save $30 when purchased with your upgrade!

(Add $7.95 to each order for shipping and handling)

Also, you can now receive 
future purchase credits for 
referring us to new companies!

Click Here
to find out more about our
Referral Incentive program.

Click here to order securely ONLINE NOW!

Last modified: July 03, 2024