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Quantum Project Manager
-Certified Payroll Module-

Frequently Asked Questions

(click on the link for the answer)

1. When trying to add a Timecard, I can't select any Work Classifications, and when I try to type the work classification in, I get an error message that says, "The text you entered isn't an item on the list"

2. When trying to add a time card, my project isn’t showing up on the list.

3. How do I enter time at multiple jobs within the same week?

4. When trying to print the payroll report, the project isn’t on the list.  (there are 2 reasons)



1. When trying to add a Timecard, I can't select any Work Classifications, and when I try to type the work classification in, I get an error message that says, "The text you entered isn't an item on the list"

You may need to enter work classifications, e.g., laborer, apprentice, electrician. To add them to the program, from the Main Menu, click Maintain Information then Work Classifications. 

To add them to a project, from the Main Menu, click All Projects and scroll to the project OR click Locate Projects. After locating the specific project, click on the Certified Payroll tab, then the Wage Rates button (located on the right side, about halfway down). 

Make sure you use a new line for each classification. For example, if you need 3 work classes, you should see all 3 on separate lines.

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2. When trying to add a time card, my project isn’t showing up on the list.  (there are 3 reasons)

a. You may have forgotten to add the wage rates for the project. Open the project, click on the Certified Payroll tab, then click on the "Wage Rates" button and add the appropriate work classifications and rates.

b. You may have the placed a check mark next to the "Closed?" option under the project. To review this, from the Main Menu, click All Projects and scroll to the project OR click Locate Projects. Then on the General Info tab, look at the "Closed?" check box option on the right side of the screen. Make sure there is no check mark. If the project is currently closed but you are entering prior time cards, uncheck the option until you are finished entering all the time cards. 

c. The project may not be indicated as a Certified Payroll Project. To verify this, from the Main Menu, click All Projects and scroll to the project OR click Locate Projects. Next, click the Certified Payroll tab. Look for the "Certified Payroll Project?" check box (3rd line down on the screen). Make sure there is a check mark in the check box.

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3. How do I enter time at multiple jobs within the same week?

Enter the time for ONE of the jobs. After that time is entered, click on the "Add New Project/ Work Class Entry" button, you see that although you are still on the same timecard, the project, work class and hours fields are blank and ready for your 2nd project or work class and the corresponding hours worked by that employee on that job and/or work class.

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4. When trying to print the payroll report, the project isn’t on the list.  (there are 2 reasons)

a. You may have posted the report. If you print previewed the report and exited the report, you were presented with 2 options: Post Report and Close without Posting. You may have inadvertently posted the report. If you are on the reports screen, click on the Print/Unpost Previous Reports button. Now, select the project and weekending. You can either print preview the report or unpost it. 

b. There may be a closed date entered on the project. To review, from the Main Menu, click All Projects and scroll to the project OR click Locate Projects. Then on the General Info tab, look at the "Date Closed:" option. If there is a date, delete it or make sure the date is correct. You cannot print payroll reports after a closed date for the project.

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Phone:  (610) 373-4835
Fax:        (610) 373-5215
Last modified: February 01, 2021