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Quantum Project Manager Emailing Changes for Office 365 SMTP Server
(Last updated 6/8/2022)

The Quantum Project Manager has features for mass emailing (invitation to bid), Letters/Emails, and emailing any communication document where you can send email directly via the CC/Email tab and the send via email button. These features use the email options settings and send mail directly to the SMTP server specified. We have now added support for the Office 365 SMTP server. This change does not affect anyone creating PDF/RTF/Word files and then emailing them through the Microsoft Outlook Windows client application or other email programs.

Starting with Quantum Project Manager version version 20.0a, you can now use the Office 365 SMTP server using TLS. Just use your Office 365, Exchange Online or email address, user name and password. Make sure your settings for your email account are set to allow SMTP Authentication. On the email options screen in the Quantum Project Manager, use the new connection type of TLS, mail server name, and port 587. If you don't have an Office 365, Exchange Online or account, you can signup for free at or you can get Exchange Online and/or Microsoft 365 from Microsoft. You can also get professional email associated with your own domain name and/or Microsoft 365 from GoDaddy at You will need to make sure that SMTP Authentication is enabled for your account. There are limits with sending email through the Office 365 SMTP server. If you are sending a lot of mass emails to a lot of recipients, you might consider using third-party email service providers that support SMTP like Twilio Sendgrid.

Not on Quantum Project Manager version 20.0a yet?

If you have not yet purchased version 20, you can upgrade to version 20.0a by contacting our sales department at 800-894-1278 or

If you have version 20.0, but do not have the 20.0a update or have any other questions or need assistance, call technical support at 610-373-4835 or email us at

Last modified: June 08, 2022